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justice       CH. Big-O's Thunderheart of Kokomo ROMPX
CH. Kurio Kao Mariah I'm A Hero ROM
      Great Tigers Contesa ROM
BISS CH. TimberSky's Outlaw Justice
       CH. North Stars Coors Silver Bullet CD ROMP
CH. TimberSky's Huricane Suede ROM
      CH. Sierra West Rose of TimberSky ROMP

Bred by: Jodi Lundin

Owned by: Jodi Lundin & John Newland


Justice is an incredibly sound boy and fits our Akita standard to perfection.  He started his show career out with a bang.  Going out with his friends and co-owners at the time Teresa and Rick Witte of Stardust Akitas.  Justice went on to win ten consecutive shows in a row including a Best In Sweepstakes win.  After proving himself he came home with us to mature a little.   Upon going to Minnesota to prove himself again with the lovely "Siren"  he decided he like his new friend John Newland and would become his new co-owner and stay for a specials career.  He now can be seen with his new handler friend Laurie Krickenburge.  Justice is affectionately known as the Schmustice (don't tell John) here at TimberSky.


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