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                                      CH. Sho-go's Joboy Tuff N Stuff ROM
    BIS, BISS CH. Sho-Go's Rambo
           CH. Frerose's Dark Moon of Sho-go ROM
CH. Sho-Go's Magic Mink of TimberSky CD
           CH. Frerose's Tugger the Slugger
    Frerose's Gem Genes of Sho-Go ROM
           Frerose's Lady Leah

Bred by: Deborah Shields & Frederick Duane

Owned and Handled by: Jodi Lundin


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No word can express the devotion Mink has for us.  She was an incredible show dog loving every minute of it.  Accomplised her CD after she attained her CH two months later.  She didn't need to be taught she just did it.  The most outstanding mother she would even helped mother puppies that were not hers.  She was our cherished house dog and continued a show career up to 11 1/2 years old.   I love you and dearly miss you mama minmin!!!

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This photo taken on Minks 11th birthday all akitas in the photo are Minks kids, grandkids and great-grandkids.   Thank you all for this once in a lifetime photo!


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