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CH.Saiko ROM

saiko       BIS, CH. OBJ's King's Ransom ROMPX
Southwood's Bo Jackson
      CH. A-Dares Magic of Big Son
CH. Southwood's Saiko of Grace ROM
      Lake's Conan of Ronson
CH. Southwood's Southern Bell
      Hakari's No NaOmi

Bred by: Ronny Boyer

Owned by: Jodi Lundin & Martin Ussery

Saiko came to us for the first time to be bred to Bullet.  Owned at the time by Martin Ussery.  Martin was in failing health and it was his wishes for us to continue with Saiko's legacy.  Saiko was a group placing bitch in her day.  A loving akita and excellent mother.  She has gone on to join Martin who dearly loved her so much.  If Saiko and Martin are watching they would be proud of what they have passed on.

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