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       CH. TimberSky's Ring Contender
   CH. TimberSky's My Grandpaw Silver Bullet ROM
       CH. TimberSky's Come Fly With Me ROMP
AM/Can CH. TimberSky's Maximum Caliber
        BIS, CH. Goshen's Chariots of Fire ROMPX
    TimberSky's No White Kuroi Kao
CH. TimberSky's Cessna Kuroi Kao

CH. TimberSky's Rock and Roll  "Stoney"    OFA Good

       CH. Big-O's Thunderheart of Kokomo ROMPX
    CH. Kurio Kao Mariah I'm A Hero ROM
        Great Tigers Contesa ROM
CH. TimberSky's Secret Echo 
        CH. TimberSky's My Grandpaw Silver Bullet ROMP
    CH. TimberSky's TopSecret Shiojiri 
        CH. Sondaisa's Spy At TimberSky

Bred by: Jodi Lundin

Owned and Handled by: Jodi Lundin

Co-Owned by :  Jodey Sorenson


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Stoney has the most incredible type!   He has been shown very limited as I broke my leg as he was ready to go out and show.  Thanks to my friend Colleen Sullivan/Rosauer for showing him at the Colorado Region where he took Best Senior In Sweeps and to my friend John Newland who showed him to back to back four point majors his next weekend out.  He is a very friendly outgoing dog that reminds me very much of the love of my life my deeply missed "Caliber".  I look for great expectations with this beautiful TimberSky boy with his daddy's size and substance.


See Stoney at 2006 Nationals click here

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