BISS CH. TimberSky's Heaven & Earth "Ringo" BISS, CH. Sondaisa's Roping The Wind ROM X CH. TimberSky's Come Fly With Me ROM Bred by: Jodi Lundin Owned by: Jodi Lundin, Rick & Teresa Witte Ringo Won Best In Specialty Show at the Rocky Mountain Akita Club Regional Specialty.
![]() BISS CH. TimberSky's Outlaw Justice ROM "Justice" CH. Kuroi Kao Mariah I'm a Hero ROM X CH. TimberSky's Huricane Suede ROM Bred by: Jodi Lundin Owned by: Jodi Lundin & John Newland Justice Won Best In Specialty Show at the St. Paul Akita Club Regional Specialty.
BISS CH. TimberSky's For Summits On Top "Summit" CH. TimberSky's My Grandpaw Silver Bullet ROM X CH. Sondaisa's Rose River TimberSky ROMPX Bred by: Jodi Lundin & Colleen Sullivan Owned by: Jodi Lundin, Rick and Teresa Witte Summit Won Best In Specialty Show at the Lone Star Akita Club Regional Specialty.
CH. TimberSky's Sky Commander "Pilot" CH. North Stars Coors Silver Bullet CD ROMP X CH. Sierra W's Rose of TimberSky ROM Bred by: Jodi Lundin Owned by: Bill & Susan Burr Pilot won 1st place in 12 to 18 month class at the Houston National Specialty. The class was the biggest class in dogs that year.
CH. TimberSky's Sky Commander "Pilot" Bred by: Jodi Lundin Owned by: Bill & Susan Burr Pilot won the veterans class at the St. Paul Akita Club Specialty at 9 years of age.
CH. TimberSky's Mr. Majestyk "Atlas" BISS, CH. Sondaisa's Roping The Wind ROM X CH. TimberSky's Come Fly With Me ROM Bred by: Jodi Lundin Owned by: Jodi Engel & Jill Kramer Atlas was a hit at the Atlanta National Specialty winning Best Junior In Sweeps best 9 to 12 month Futurity puppy and 3rd in the Bred By Class. Atlas was tragically killed and dearly missed.
TimberSky's Taylor Made By Suede "Taylor" CH. TimberSky's Ring Contender X CH. TimberSky's Huricane Suede ROM Bred By: Jodi Lundin Owned by: Jodi Lundin & Kathy Mills Taylor won the prestigious Bred By Exhibitor Class at the Atlanta National Specialty.
CH. TimberSky's Ring Contender "Rockie" CH. North Stars Coors Silver Bullet CD ROMP X CH. Sho-Go's Magic Mink of TimberSky CD Bred and Owned by: Jodi Lundin Rockie won the Stud Dog Class at the Rocky Mountain Akita Club Regional Specialty.
CH. Sondaisa's Golden Gait "Gold" ROM CH. TimberSky's Maximum Caliber X CH. Sondaisa's Rose River TimberSky ROMPX Bred By: Jodi Lundin and Colleen Sullivan Owned by: Colleen Sullivan, Rick and Teresa Witte Gold won Best In Sweepstakes, Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the Rocky Mountain Akita Club Regional Specialty.
TimberSky's Gatlins Gage "Gage" CH. TimberSky's Maximum Caliber X CH. Southwood's Saiko of Grace ROM Bred by: Jodi Lundin Owned by: Rich and Nancy Hansen Gage won Best Junior in Sweepstakes at the Rocky Mountain Akita Club Regional Specialty.
TimberSky's Trix of the Trade "Trapper" and TimberSky's Gatlin's Gage "Gage" CH. TimberSky's Maximum Caliber X CH. Southwood's Saiko of Grace ROM Bred by: Jodi Lundin Trapper Owned by: Jeanne Goetzinger Gage Owned by: Rich and Nancy Hansen Trapper and Gage took Best In Specialty Show Brace at the Rocky Mountain Akita Club Specialty at 13 months of age.
TimberSky's Gold Rush Annie "Annie" CH. TimberSky's My Grandpaw Silver Bullet ROM X CH. Sondaisa's Rose River TimberSky ROMPX Bred by: Jodi Lundin and Colleen Sullivan Owned by: Jodi Lundin, Chet and Brenda Boisen Annie won Best Junior in Sweepstakes at the St. Paul Akita Club Regional Specialty
CH. TimberSky's The Thunder Rose "Jeri" CH. TimberSky's My Grandpaw Silver Bullet ROM X CH. Sondaisa's Rose River TimberSky ROMPX Bred By: Jodi Lundin and Colleen Sullivan Jeri won Best Senior in Sweepstakes and the St. Paul Akita Club Regional Specialty
CH. TimberSky's The Thunder Rose "Jeri" CH. TimberSky's My Grandpaw Silver Bullet ROM X CH. Sondaisa's Rose River TimberSky ROMPX Bred By: Jodi Lundin and Colleen Sullivan Jeri went on the same day to win Winners Bitch at the St. Paul Regional Specialty
BISS CH. TimberSky's For Summits On Top "Summit" CH. TimberSky's My Grandpaw Silver Bullet ROM X CH. Sondaisa's Rose River TimberSky ROMPX Bred by: Jodi Lundin & Colleen Sullivan Owned by: Jodi Lundin, Rick and Teresa Witte Summit wins Best Junior in Sweepstakes at the Rocky Mountain Akita Club Regional Specialty
BISS CH. TimberSky's For Summits On Top "Summit" CH. TimberSky's My Grandpaw Silver Bullet ROM X CH. Sondaisa's Rose River TimberSky ROMPX Bred by: Jodi Lundin & Colleen Sullivan Owned by: Jodi Lundin, Rick and Teresa Witte Summt goes on to win Winners Dog and Best of Winners at 6 months of age Rocky Mountain Akita Club Regional Specialty.
CH. Kawakami's Bear Footin' TimberSky "Tracker" CH. Shere Khan & Can CH. Panda Bred By: Beverly Wilkinson Owned by: Jodi Lundin, Walter and Vicky Donachracker won Winners Dog at the Garden State Akita Club Regional Specialty This gave Tracker his Championship title.
TimberSky's I'm a Believer "Starlet" CH. Kawakami's Bear Foot'n TimberSky (Photo above) X TimberSky's Gold Rush Annie Bred By: Jodi Lundin, Walter and Vicky Donach Starlet won winners bith, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at the St. Paul Akita Club Regional Specialty
TimberSky's Sonic Boom "Sonic" CH. Kuroi Kao Double Shot O'Grandad ROM X CH. TimberSky's Top Secret Shiorji Bred by: Jodi Lundin and Marcie Howard Sonic wins Best of Opposite sex in Sweepstakes and the Heart of Texas Akita Club Regional Specialty
TimberSky's Rock My World "Brook" CH. TimberSky's Rock and Roll X TimberSky's Justified Bred by: Jodi Lundin Owned by: Jodi Lundin, Laurie White and Coleman Nemerov Brook won Reserve Winners Bitch at the Akita Club of America National Specialty. Brook was in the Open class the biggest class entry.
CH. TimberSky's Outdoor Adventure "Scout" CH. TimberSky's Rock and Roll X TimberSky's Sonic Boom Bred and owned by: Jodi Lundin Scout won Best Bred By Exhibitor at Akita Club National Specialty